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Now my xm is going on……

but after my exam i will start packaging..I will move to a new field as I am already reading how to built rpm packages written by rahul sundaram..

It is written from the very basic..and really very much helpful starting with the ‘Hello World’

If someone is interested please visit the following link you will get all the information…

Today in morning i saw every account was posting scrap some thing like bomb amungu or Bom Sabado.So I googled and found out this article on Bom Sabado.

“Those who all are reading this scrap even in their profile, their cookies are also stoled and so they are also posting scrap automatically to their friend list same scrap as bomb something like 😦

The script is running on and also in status of profile their flag is coming. i mean status are automatically updated in some profile. Its their flag of Brazil. Already Google team are working on it.

Currently what you should do is Solutions:- Follow these steps:

1. Immediately change your password and security question{ including secondary email and mobile number if they also got changed.) This will solve the problem.

2. Find out whether some communities has been joined automatically. if yeah, do remove them.

3. If your account has been completely hacked, see here:

4. Always remember these points :

4.1 Do not ever login to any site rather than

4.2 Do not ever run any javascripts while logged into your orkut account

4.3 Never use any flooder in your account

4.4 Do not ever share your password with anyone else and keep changing your password regularly.

4.5 Do not ever click suspicious link while logged into Orkut account. if you are curious you can copy the link and check them in other browser after cleaning it’s browser’s cookie and cache.

4.6 Do not ever install any suspicious script on greasemoneky and ALWAYS DIABLE THE GM before logging in to orkut.

4.7 Do your mobile verification also, so that you can get back your a/c if hacker doesn’t change the mobile number there.

4.8 Install a good Update Ant ivirus and Anti Key logger and keep your system free from Key loggers and backdoor trojans.

4.9 Use Virtual Keyboard to enter your password for more security. Take a look here and follow the points given to protect your a/c: and“ hope this helps you…;)


Gnome Panel Deleted

Oh!What a gerat experience.Today I was doing some work and suddenly I just clicked the option delete the panel nad the top panel was deleted.

I was totally confused.Because I don’t know if there is any control panel like window in linux.

But best thing is that you can easily bring back that.

Just clicked on the bottom panel and select the option ADD NEW.

Then select its position.(TOP)

After that just right click on the panel.You will get a option add to the panel.

Clicked on that and you will get a chart from where you can select your items to be added.If you  want to move it’s position then just right click on the item and select the option move.

And now your owing option will be selected.

If you want to see your hardware temperature condition just select the option “HARDWARE SENSORE MONITOR”

problem with booting in linux

Having a problem when you are opening your fedora window?

Today I have faced a problem.When I was opening my laptop and was starting the fedora it was first taking appearing the right blue screen.But after that nothing was happening and a black screen was appearing stating ‘WELCOME TO FEDORA’.After that many things were written,but not taking the boot.Instead of that it was written that

An error occured during file system check. Dropping you to a shell.
Give root password for maintenance or type Control-D to resume normal

Having such kind of problem I totally confused.

But actually nothing is there.

When this problem occurs  just type your <root password>(the space where it is written that GIVE ROOT PASSWORD FOR MAINTENANCE”)or at the space place type “fiskebat”

and press enter.

Then in your window it will show

(repair filesystem) 1#

Perform the command    “fsck -y /” then press <ENTER>

The system may warn about the potencial risk of further file system damage when running the test on a
mounted file system. You must then accept the risk by answering “y” before the check starts.
The system will then check for file system errors and fix them if possible. When finished a new prompt
appears. Do a reboot and hope for the best.

If only a few seconds passes before the new prompt appears the system was probably not able or willing
to check the /(ROOT) partition. It may also refer to a journal saying the /(ROOT) partition was “clean”. Try running the
check on the /home partition instead:
fsck -y /home
If the check will not run when issuing the above commands, try using the physical device names instead
of their mount points.
fsck -y [physical device name, for example /dev/sda1]
To find the physical device name try performing the command
which will return a partition table listing both the device names as well as their mount points. Look for
the “/(ROOT)” and “/home” partitions.

IF still you have problem just go the following link

learn PyGtk

Do you want to learn PyGtk???just go to this side and make your own world

Now I am learning pygtk language.It is a very easy language.But very interesting.You can create your own window in the linux mainly runs in the python module.But you also can do this in the general form means in editor.This is a funny one.Even I have made a window that is working like a internet window.You can run any side(like google,facebook,okut  etc….).

26. Plymouth Graphical Boot

Plymouth is the new Graphical Boot of Fedora 12 which replaces the old RHGB. It requires kernel modesetting (KMS) support to work properly. KMS is currently supported on most ATI Radeon chips; anything from the Radeon 9500 and newer should work. Intel KMS support is in development, but is not yet supported. For all other graphics hardware, the text plugin is used. If you see only a scrolling bar when booting to Fedora you can try to force your Hardware into graphics mode without using KMS support. To do so reat below at the Graphical Boot Problem. However you could first try and change this theme to another one to see if it works without any changes to your grub.conf.

* Plymouth Themes

By default only the solar and text themes are installed. To add additional plymouth themes type:

su -
yum install plymouth-plugin-{fade-throbber,label,space-flares,throbgress,two-step}
yum install plymouth-theme-{charge,fade-in,solar,spinfinity}
yum install plymouth-utils

Now you can try any theme you want like this. Just replace pluginname with one of the following: solar, fade-in, pulser, spinfinity, text.

su -
plymouth-set-default-theme themename

After that just reboot your computer.

* Graphical Boot Problem

While booting in Fedora 12 you might have seen a blue scrolling bar loading instead of the grub’s graphical boot screen. This has happened because of the modesetting option of the kernel that Fedora 12 uses. In order to see the graphical boot you must edit grub.conf and add a vga resolution to it. Here it is how:
su -
gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf

Here you must add your framebuffer resolution at the end of the kernel line. Something like this:

title Fedora (****)
root (hd0,9)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-**** ro root=UUID=**** rhgb quiet vga=792
initrd /boot/initrd-****

vga=792 stands for 1024×768 resolution with 24-bit colours. You can find the resolution you like from the table below.

Colours   640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200
256     |   769     771      773      775       796
32,768  |   784     787      790      793       797
65,536  |   785     788      791      794       798
16.8M   |   786     789      792      795       799

If the resolution you want isn’t among those you can install vbetest. By default SELinux will prevent it from running. Temporarily you can disable SELinux .

su -
yum install vbetest

You will see a list like this:

[352] 1280x800 (256 color palette)
[353] 1280x800 (8:8:8)

Add 512 to the number you see inside brackets. For example if you have a 24bit widescreen with 1280×800 resolution add vga=865 (512+353). To return back to X windows press Ctrl+Alt+F7.

27. xorg.conf is missing

Many Fedora users complain that xorg.conf is missing in Fedora 12 and cannot find it in its usual location /etc/X11/xorg.conf to make some changes on their own. Well this is not bug, this is a feature of Fedora 12! But here is how to create xorg.conf if you really need it. As root open a terminal and type:

Xorg -configure :1

This will create a default xorg.conf in /root/ which you can copy to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

If you are using Radeon or Nvidia drivers from rpmfusion repository alternatively type:

su -
yum install system-config-display

This script will automatically create an xorg.conf in its correct location.

28. GUI root login

Fedora 12 by default doesn’t allow someone to login as root through GDM. Instead you have to login as a normal user and become root through your terminal. However many users still want to login as root. Although I don’t approve this here is how to do it. Don’t forget that once you login as root its easier to damage your system so don’t do the following unless you are sure what you are doing.

Open a terminal and type:

su -c 'gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm'

Here find the following line

auth required user != root quiet

and comment it like this

#auth required user != root quiet

Save the file and logout.

Do the same for /etc/pam.d/gdm-password

su -c 'gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm-password'

Now you can login as root. Don’t forget, it’s not a good idea to login as root.

29. Install Google Chrome on Fedora 12

I believe you all know Google’s browser, Chrome. A Linux version for Debian/Ubuntu is present for a lot time now. Now you can install Chromium on Fedora 12 as well easily thanks to a Chromium repo by It is available for both 32 and 64bit Fedora versions! To do so open a terminal and type:

su -
gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/chromium.repo

And paste the following lines:

name=Chromium Test Packages

Now just type:

su -c 'yum install chromium'
Now you can launch Chromium through -> Applications -> Internet -> Chromium Web browser

Some users of x86_64 Fedora have mention a few problems like “Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): The server could not be found” or “Error 0 (net::OK): Unknown error”

To resolve them type:

su -c 'yum install nss-mdns'

I hope this guide was useful for all Fedora users, old and new ones! If you think there is something that should be added on this guide just leave me a comment below!

30. Disable SELinux

If you want to disable SELinux you have to install the SELinux Management tool.

su -
yum install policycoreutils-gui

Run it from System -> Administration -> SELinux Management. From here you can change SELinux status from Enforcing to Disabled.

Do you want to play with coding of any language?????It is now very easy….you don’t have to buy so many books….but you will get many problems with there answers…just visit the following link….

I am playing with this questions….and it is quite interesting…..I thing you will also eenjoy those a lot

The first year aree doing their classes…….they are 120 in numbers….But the main thing is that till now we don’t know who r my juniors…….college authority giving a tight security  for them as they should not be ragged…..but it is a reason for being upset for us that we can not meet them…..but hoping this problem will have a solution very fast,,,

I am feeling great.The new subjects are quite interesting.Data Structures,Digital Electronics,PPL,and many many………….. more,,,,